Thursday, January 7, 2016


    开学啦!不知学生们的第一个星期开学上课如何?我虽然毕业了,但我还是怀念以前上学的日子。新学期里,让我和你分享些tips 让你好好迎接学校生活吧!




这是很重要的一项,尤其是理科生们,在学校先用不要的书在每次老师讲解时抄下重点,回家可以整理重点后重写在你喜欢的笔记,而且是每一科一本哦!记得每天一定要温习它,单单写了后放一旁是没用的。勤力的学生每天会做笔记,但如果你真的不行的至少可以利用周末时间做。另外,一些学生每天会带如 Success 或 Spotlight 牌等等厚参考书到学校读。其实是不用的,大部分的学生带了也没温习的,只是加重书包罢了。不如把它放在家里,有需要时可以翻查。告诉你,很多参考书里的资料是不完整的,还是多问学校老师比较好吧!


  • 把功课期限最短为第一,如果功课是今日做明日交可以先做完;期限长的如果今日还有时间的可以做一点。你可以把所有功课抄在家课簿然后分配它们,这样你就不会忘记啦~
  • 补习补最弱的科目,每人有不同弱的科目,也不必补全科因为这样你可以花到300令吉以上,这些钱都是你父母辛苦赚来养一家人的钱啊!这样你不必为补习而没时间做其他功课。另外你学校的科目老师如果教法不好的可以补习或问别校好友们分享资料。你的补习老师未必是你的最佳解答者,所以好好利用在学校的时间向老师发问。



根据研究,每人睡觉平均需6-8 小时为佳。学生也一样,别因玩手机和电脑而深夜才入眠,我们的身体在晚上是需要休息的,这样身体能在隔天有精神操作。还有深夜是不适合读书的,就算读完也不会进头脑的,隔天就忘记啦!下午回家后如果太累的话可以睡1-2 小时午觉,但别睡过头哦!以免耽误你要做其他东西时间。


Sunday, January 3, 2016

Introduction To Science Stream

First I want to say congratulations to all Form 3 juniors that achieve good results in your PT3 exams. Now that you know your results, I guess it's time for me to give you some information about science stream and its subjects that you'll learn in Form 4.

The general requirements that you should have are:
~Obtain at least C in Mathematics and Science
~If you pass all subjects and you really want to enter science stream
The requirements may different from above, it depends on your school.

Usually, the chances you want to enter science stream is easier if less student want to enter science stream. In fact, the percentage of science stream students is decreasing every year, which is why the Ministry of Education wants the ratio of 60:40 of science students to art students for each school. Wait, why decreasing? The best reason I can give is how hard the subject is. Let me explain the main science subjects one by one for you to get the idea.

This subject is one of the important subject to apply for local universities especially Matriculation. Chemistry study about chemical reactions and how to form equations of a reaction between chemicals. If you want to master Chemistry, you need to know a lot of forming equations from a reaction, observations on experiments and give inferences like a real scientist. However on me opinion, Chemistry is the easiest subject to score because you don't need to memorize all the equations and facts because not all experiments will give you the accurate answer. Just master all the basic knowledge in Form 4 and some in Form 5 and you can score well.

For some students, this subject is the hardest one to master. Why? Because this subject needs a lot of memorization and the subject that contains the most experiments that you need to know. (2nd: Physics, 3rd: Chemistry) You have to know the function of something and the whole process of the product formed. For example, how does urine formed? Explain the process of meiosis/mitosis......
Yup, it's hard and exhausting but if you're good at memorizing, then this subject should be easy for you. To students who are weak at it, you better start taking notes because the information in the reference books are long!

This is the subject that I think is the hardest for me because it requires a lot of basic knowledge and wants you to know how and when to apply a formula to the question at the right situation. You also need to memorize all the definition of subtopics because every first sub-question of a question requires you the meaning of a topic that worth 1 mark in SPM or more during school exams.
My advice is to jot down every single formulas and definitions into a piece of paper so you won't flip your books when the exam comes, but don't worry, some formulas are given during exam, you just need to know the meaning of the symbols and units.

And I should introduce this subject too.......

Additional Mathematics
This subject is quite challenging for smart students and consider one of the important subject to apply for universities and matriculation. This subject needs you a lot of thinking skills. Even though this subject is hard, but it's the easiest subject to earn marks compare to mathematics. In maths, if your answer is wrong, you'll lose all of the marks. But in add maths, even your answer is wrong, you can still earn some marks if you follow the formula correctly. That's why I said applying formula is important. There's no shortcut to ace this subject, you'll need to PRATICE AND MASTER EACH TOPIC, you'll forget easily after sometime, so be sure to revise them frequently.

That's all you need to know about science stream. I don't think science stream is hard as long as you're hardworking and the will to learn new things. Remember, form 4 IS NOT A HONEYMOON YEAR!!! It's the year that all basic topics comes in and you'll need to master them all. Good luck juniors!